Family Program Suggestions
There are so many ways to celebrate families within the context of our Faith. The Knights of Columbus seeks to strengthen family life through its Building the Domestic Church While Strengthening Our Parish initiative. Through this initiative, the Order endeavors to support Christian family life and encourages councils and families to more fully integrate with the sacramental and social life of their parish. We thereby hope to not only help each family participate in the Church’s mission of evangelization, but to also strengthen our members and revitalize our parishes.
Food for Families is a signature FIA program whose goal is to ensure that: As few as possible don’t go to Bed Hungry. Participating councils can earn two points towards the Columbian Award. In addition, councils that donate $500 or 1000 lbs of food to a local food bank soup kitchen/drop in Supreme will refund $100 back to the council.
This spring councils should plan for a parish food drive to support a local community-based organization. One of our related programs is the 40 Cans for Lent.
Remember hunger just doesn’t happen at Lent. It is year-round commitment. Your assistance to support the various organizations like the Immaculate Conception Drop-In, Sisters of Charity, Welcome House, Agape Table. Siloam Missions are just a few organizations where councils have forwarded their donations on the 10784 form.